A1 Enterprise presented A1 Tracker staffing incident portal to a staffing agency serving multiple states. This staffing agency specializes in warehousing, manufacturing, administrative, and distribution sectors and seeks to streamline their employee safety and incident reporting processes.

A1 Tracker Staffing Incident Portals

The staffing incident portals come with full claims management within A1 Tracker ERM. This gives employees and supervisors can report incidents, near-misses, and injuries as they occur. Safety and hazard reports may trigger action steps towards resolution to prevent accidents and injuries. With real-time notifications, safety supervisors can respond quickly and take corrective actions to remedy hazards.

With such quick responses, a company stands to mitigate rising insurance premiums by ensuring accurate and timely incident response, and reporting to third party TPAs. Staffing incident portals give employees and supervisors across different locations options to attach documents to their incident from mobile devices. Additionally, this implementation will automate employee performance and incident analytics which is currently a highly manual process across information silos.

Employee Safety Training and Certifications

In addition to incidents and claims, A1 Tracker will offer a staffing agency facilities to track safety behavioral observations, such as unsafe behavior, and misuse or non-use of safety equipment. These analytics give insights that help staffing agencies assess employee training needs, performance, and potential risks to employers. This creates a win-win relationship for all parties involved, including the employee.

Additionally, employee licenses, training, and certifications strengthen employee performance management with reminder notifications for training and renewals. Where employees learn to recognize risks before they become an accident, organizations learn to protect themselves as a whole. There is no better way to implement an ERM than to make your entire team into the process.